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Marcello Pietri

Personal Information

Marcello Pietri's photo
Ing. Marcello Pietri, Ph.D.

Research contact:
Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria - "DISMI"
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Via Amendola, 2 - Pad. Morselli
42122 Reggio Emilia, Italy
Tel.:   +39 059205****
Fax :   +39 059205****
@UNIMORE e-mail: Marcello Pietri's e-mail marcello_DOT_pietri_AT_unimore_DOT_itGPG key
Personal e-mail: Marcello Pietri's e-mailGPG key

Scholar citations - Scopus profile - ORCID

Marcello Pietri's photo

Brief Curriculum Vitae

  • Assitant Professor @UNIMORE @DISMI (PRESENT)
  • ICT Professor & ICT Senior Consultant. (2020-2023)
  • ICT Professor & ICT Manager & ICT Senior Consultant. (2017-2020)
  • ICT Professor & ICT Senior Consultant. (2015-2016)
  • ICT Consultant - Azienda USL di Modena. (2014-2015)
  • Research fellow at CRIS (Centro di ricerca interdipartimentale sulla Sicurezza e Prevenzione dei Rischi). [Sterilmed international project] (2012-2014)
  • PhD Student, XXVI doctorate cycle in ICT (also accepted for Multiscale School). (2011-2013)
  • Working in Embedded and Wireless solutions field. (2011)
  • Master's Degree in Computer science, graduated cum laude. This title was obtained on course at first session at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. (2010) (thesis)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer science. This title was obtained on course at first session at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. (2008) (thesis)

  • System designer, analyst and administrator. (2008-2017)
  • ICT Consultant - Technical and scientific support, system and network, software analysis, project and development for private business and small industry. (1998-2010)
  • Web designer and developer. (2004-2010)
  • Photography and digital devices course at Canon corporate headquarters in Milan. (2009)
  • Internship to the CINECA super computing centre in Bologna (MPI, PETSc). (2009)
  • Chemical & physical analysis of water at AIMAG. (2003)

Research Interests

  • Digital Twin and IoT
  • 5G/6G MEC, Smart City, Ecosystems and Data Fusion
  • Data Collection and analysis for Complex Industrial Systems
  • Monitoring and Security in Large Scale Systems
  • Wireless Embedded Solutions

Projects, Conferences, Schools and Publications

    Journals and International Conferences, accepted papers:

  • Martinelli M., Pietri M., Rossini E., Picone, M., Mamei M., "Digital Twin Driven Collaboration in Industry 5.0", 32nd International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2024) Reggio Emilia, June 26th-28th, 2024 [TBP]

  • M. Picone, L. Bedogni, M. Pietri, M. Mamei and F. Zambonelli, "Digital Twins & Fluid Computing in the Edge-to-Cloud Compute Continuum", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), Biarritz, France, 2024, pp. 221-226, doi: 10.1109/PerComWorkshops59983.2024.10503446 - PDF BibTex

  • M. Picone, R. Morandi, V. Villani, M. Pietri and L. Bedogni, "Towards Operator Digital Twins in Industry 5.0: Design Strategies & Experimental Evaluation," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), Biarritz, France, 2024, pp. 51-56, doi: 10.1109/PerComWorkshops59983.2024.10502969 - PDF BibTex

  • L. Bedogni, M. Picone, M. Pietri, M. Mamei and F. Zambonelli, "Fluid Computing in the Internet of Things: A Digital Twin Approach," 2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2024, pp. 412-418, doi: 10.1109/CCNC51664.2024.10454878 - PDF BibTex

  • M. Picone, V. Villani, M. Pietri and L. Bedogni, "Towards Coordinating Machines and Operators in Industry 5.0 through the Web of Things," 2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2024, pp. 01-06, doi: 10.1109/CCNC51664.2024.10454715 - PDF BibTex

  • Marcello Pietri, Natalia Selini Hadjidimitriou, Marco Mamei, Marco Picone, Enrico Rossini, "Traffic and Resource Optimization in 5G Multi-Layer Edge Networks", NetMob 2023, Madrid, Spain, October 4-6 2023, Pages 143-144 - (Candidate for the Best Paper award) - Abstract PDF Full Book of conference (98MB) BibTex

  • Enrico Rossini, Marcello Pietri, Roberto Cavicchioli, Marco Picone, Marco Mamei, Roberto Querio, Laura Colazzo, Roberto Procopio, "5G MEC Architecture for Vulnerable Road Users Management Through Smart City Data Fusion", ACM MobiCom 2023: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking - October 2023 - Article No.: 112 Pages 1-3 BibTex

  • Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, Mauro Andreolini, Riccardo Lancellotti, "A Scalable Monitor for Large Systems", BOOK: Cloud Computing and Services Sciences (from CLOSER 14 Revised Selected Papers), December 2015, Springer International Publishing, pag. 100--116, isbn 978-3-319-25414-2, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-25414-2_7 Available here PDF BibTex

  • Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, Mauro Andreolini, Michele Colajanni, "Adaptive, Scalable and Reliable Monitoring of Big Data on Clouds", Special Issue on Scalable Systems for Big Data Management and Analytics of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Volumes 79-80, May 2015, Pages 67-79. Available here BibTex

  • Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, Mauro Andreolini, Andrea Balboni, "Monitoring Large Cloud-Based Systems", CLOSER - 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 April 2014. (Candidate for the Best Paper award). PDF

  • Marcello Pietri, "Monitoring Solutions for Ultra-Large-Scale Systems", Ph.D. thesis, 2014 Feb. - Details - MoreThesis PDF

  • Mauro Andreolini, Michele Colajanni, Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, "Real-Time Adaptive Algorithm for Resource Monitoring", CNSM 2013 - 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management, Zurich, Switzerland, October 14-18 2013, pp. 67-74.PDF BibTex

  • Mauro Andreolini, Michele Colajanni, Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, "Adaptive Data Gathering for Enhancing Scalability in Large Scale Systems", InfQ 2013 - 4th Workshop of the Italian group on Quantitative Methods in Informatics, Sorrento (NA), June 2013.

  • Mauro Andreolini, Michele Colajanni, Marcello Pietri, "A Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Monitoring of Large Information Systems", 2012 IEEE Second Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, London, UK, December 2012, pp.143-150, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5581-0. PDF BibTex

  • Mauro Andreolini, Michele Colajanni, Marcello Pietri and Alessandro Guido, "A scalable and robust architecture for monitoring large scale systems", InfQ Workshop 2012, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy, July 2012.

  • Marcello Pietri, Riccardo Lancellotti, "A Monitoring System for Multiple Resources Supporting Smart House and Building Automation", E-Society International Conference, Berlin, Germany , 10-13 March 2012, pp. 359-366, ISBN: 978-972-8939-67-0. PDF BibTex Full Proceedings PDF

  • Marcello Pietri, "Sperimentazione di Tecniche Communication-saving per l'Acquisizione Dati nell'ITS Pegasus", 8th National PTV Vision convention, Bologna, 18-19 Novembre 2010.

  • Book chapters:

  • Mauro Andreolini, Sara Casolari, Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, Adaptive, Dynamic, and Resilient Systems, chapter "Resilient and Adaptive Networked Systems".
    Auerbach Publications, ISBN: 1439868484 ISBN-13: 9781439868485. November 2013. PDF (chapter only) BibTex - Official web page - Available also by Amazon

  • Marcello Pietri, Stefania Tosi, Mauro Andreolini, Riccardo Lancellotti, "A Scalable Monitor for Large Systems", BOOK: Cloud Computing and Services Sciences (from CLOSER 14 Revised Selected Papers), December 2015, Springer International Publishing, pag. 100--116, isbn 978-3-319-25414-2, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-25414-2_7 Available here BibTex

    International projects

  • European project: Sterilmed, "New production process for medical bags based on RadioFrequency sterilization and ICT"

  • European industry 2015 PEGASUS project. (ProgEtto per la Gestione della mobilità Attraverso Sistemi infotelematici per l'ambito Urbano, per la Sicurezza di passeggeri, veicoli e merci)
    Schools & Conferences

  • NetMob - the primary conference on the analysis of mobile phone datasets in social, urban, societal and industrial problems. Madrid, Spain, October 2023.
    Conference website

  • International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) - Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, and In-cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM - Zurich, Switzerland, October 2013.
    Conference website

  • InfQ 2013 - 4th Workshop of the Italian group on Quantitative Methods in Informatics, Sorrento (NA), June 2013.
    InfQ website

  • IEEE International Conference on Network Cloud Computing and Applications, London, UK, December 2012.
    Conference website

  • BIGDIVE 2012, "Hacking, Development, Visualization and Data Science", Torino, Italy, 01-26th October 2012.
    Website OpenStreetMap GPS point data visualization Project (on GitHub)

  • GII Doctoral School & InfQ Workshop 2012, "Future Internet and Global Computing: Services, Architectures, Models and Performance Evaluation", IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy, June-July 2012.

  • IADIS International Conference, e-Society 2012, Berlin, Germany, 10-13th March 2012.
    Conference program - Conference website

  • Hot Topics in Secure and Dependable Computing for Critical Infrastructures. Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 15-19th January 2012.
    Project: "Sensing Capabilities Go Wireless", M. Pietri, M. Caruso, F. Leotta and L. Montecchi.

  • Didattica (Docenza - English or Italian)

    • Attivi
    • Corso di Sistemi Informativi - Materiale didattico e avvisiMateriale didattico e avvisi
      Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale - Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria (a.a. 2024-25)

    • Passati
    • Corso di Sistemi Informativi - Materiale didattico e avvisi AKAK - LZLZ
      Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale - Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria (a.a. 2023-24)

    • Corso di Sistemi Informativi - Materiale didattico e avvisi AK - LZ
      Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale - Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria (a.a. 2022-23)
    • Corso di Complementi di Programmazione Materiale didattico e avvisi
      Laurea Triennale in Informatica - Dipartimento di Fisica Informatica e Matematica - ING-INF/01 (a.a. 2022-23)
    • Metodi e strumenti della comunicazione digitale Materiale didattico e avvisi
      Corso di Laurea Magistrale: Didattica e Comunicazione delle Scienze (D.M.270/04) (a.a. 2022-23)
    • Corso di Sistemi Informativi Materiale didattico e avvisi
      Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale - Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria (a.a. 2021-22)
    • Corso di Informatica mod. base e avanzato - Materiale didattico e avvisi
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - ING/01 (a.a. 2021-22)
    • Metodi e strumenti della comunicazione digitale Materiale didattico e avvisi
      Corso di Laurea Magistrale: Didattica e Comunicazione delle Scienze (D.M.270/04) (a.a. 2021-22)
    • Corso di Sistemi Informativi Materiale didattico e avvisi
      Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale - Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria (a.a. 2020-21)
    • Pagina insegnamenti CELM@SEA@UNIPR e link ad Elly
    • Corso di Informatica mod. base - .
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - ING/01 (a.a. 2020/21)
    • Corso di Informatica mod. avanzato - .
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - ING/01 (a.a. 2020/21)
    • Corso di Informatica mod. base - Materiale didattico e avvisi.
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - ING/01 (a.a. 2019/20)
    • Corso di Informatica mod. avanzato - Materiale didattico e avvisi.
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - ING/01 (a.a. 2019/20)
    • Corso di Informatica mod. base - Materiale didattico.
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - SECS-S/01 (a.a. 2018/19)
    • Corso di Informatica mod. avanzato - Materiale didattico.
      Laurea Triennale - C.L.E.M. - SECS-S/01 (a.a. 2018/19)
    • Corso di Protocolli e Architetture di rete.
      Laurea Triennale in Informatica, Laurea Magistrale in Matematica. ING-INF/05. (a.a. 2013/14)
    • Corso di Protocolli e Architetture di rete.
      Laurea Triennale in Informatica, Laurea Magistrale in Matematica. ING-INF/05. (a.a. 2012/13)
    • Scuola Telecomunicazioni Forze Armate Chiavari, Corso di Perfezionamento in "Sistemi e servizi basati su Internet" - FI06PD

Marcello Pietri Past - @WEBLAB - UNIMORE - WEBLAB WebSite             @PIETRIS.NET